Yunho Kim
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Hanyang University
[Google Scholar]
Experience and Education
Assistant Professor (2020.09-current), Department of Computer Science, Hanyang University
Research Assistant Professor (2018.03-2020.08), School of Computing, KAIST
Postdoctoral Researcher (2017.02-2018.02),
SWTV research group
, School of Computing, KAIST
Ph.D (2017.02) in Computer Science, KAIST
B.S (2007.02) in Computer Science, KAIST
My Curriculum Vitae
Automated software testing (dynamic symbolic executions, automated unit testing, fuzzing)
Mutation-based software analysis and debugging (mutation testing, fault localization)
Industrial application of automated techniques (e.g., Samsung smartphones, LG home appliances, Hyundai ECUs, etc)
Publications: see
My Google Scholar page
614 H305 (ITBT), Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea